Monday, March 14, 2011

3 Month Update

The last couple months have been fantastic. Henry is growing and keeping us busy. He is such an amazing little boy. We started going to church as a family and Henry does so well there. I think he likes all the little girls coming up to see him. The church is so much fun and filled with such great people.

We are hitting the 3 month marker soon and here are some highlights:
-Smiling (started at 7 weeks)
-Baby talk--coos and goos
-Likes to stand (being held up under his arms) so he can practice his walking skills. He smiles and baby talks the entire time you do this.
-Holds his head up a lot better; still has the occasional wobble, but doing much better.
-Likes to grip on to your fingers while you lift him up. Getting his muscles ready for crawling.
-Hit the 10lbs marker at 11 weeks
-Starting to sleep a little more at night. Some nights he will sleep 4 hrs straight and one night he slept for 6 hrs straight. For the most part we are still only doing 2-3 hours at a time.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Henry.

Meet Jake

The plan was to get a working dog this summer when we got sheep on the property, but it just so happened Chris's co-worker needed to get rid of a good working dog. He will be one in May and already has some training. Juneau and Yukon are enjoying their new friend. Maybe he can teach Juneau and Yukon some of his good habits :-)

Kitchen almost done

Here are some updated pictures of the kitchen. Chris has been working on it when he has time. It is almost done; just needs a little trim here and there. Next project is finish the bathroom.

Chris's Family Visits

Chris's mother, Tarri, and Grandmother, Nancy, came out to visit us and to meet Henry. They were here for the 1 month marker. The weather was cold and Henry was still just sleeping a lot so we spent most of the time at the house. Henry did get some quality nap time with his Grandma and Great Grandma, which I am sure he enjoyed.

Ending 2010

My mum and dad stayed with us until the end of December to help out with Henry. They were a big help...thank you so much. They got to spend some time with their newest grandson, which I hope they enjoyed; even though Henry and I mostly slept during their visit. They couldn't of timed their trip more perfect.

Father and son finally meet

Finally meeting each other

Napping on Christmas Eve

As most of you know Chris was out of town working when Henry was born. My dad went to pick up Chris in Nebraska on the 23rd of December and late that night Chris finally got to meet his son. It was such a great moment, I know how much Chris wanted to hold his son and meet him.