Sunday, December 23, 2012

Oliver's Birth

As most of you know we planned a Home Birth for Oliver, as we did with Henry.  This round things turned out a lot different for us.  I still have a ton of emotions about this birth and what all happened. In the end though I am just very happy to have Oliver here and healthy.

My parents came in town to help out with the birth and arrived at 39 weeks, just in case I went into labor early.

On Monday 12/17 (due date was 12/16) I woke up around 3 a.m. and was restless.  By 4 a.m. I was having contractions.  I was scheduled to go see my Midwife, Lynnette, that morning in Greeley (about 2.5 hours away) so I sent her a text to say I had a few contractions.  She informed me to stay home, just in case I started to have more contractions and labor progressed.  Around 6:30 am contractions started every 12-15 minutes.  Lynnette decided they would head our way around 1 p.m. since a lot can happen in 2-3 hours and they had to make the drive.  Lynnette and Leah showed up around 4 p.m. and contractions were still 12-15 minutes apart. At 10 p.m. contractions got closer and were 10 minutes apart.  At Midnight Lynnette and I discussed that labor hadn't progressed that much so they would head back to Greeley and for me to call them if things changed.  Contractions stayed 8-10 minutes apart until 5:30 a.m. on Tuesday.  At that point I had also had my second showing of blood and so I contacted Lynnette.  At 6:20 a.m. I called her to let her know that contractions had moved to 5 minutes apart.  Lynnette and Leah were headed back to the house. 

I think back to Henry's birth and I know these contractions were way worse.  During Henry's birth I didn't scream or cry due to contractions until the end (right before crowning and during the pushing/crowning process).  These contractions with Oliver were so intense that the hot bath wasn't helping, breathing through the contractions was difficult and all I wanted to do was cry and moan/scream.  I remember turning to Chris and saying I don't think they will make it back here before this baby comes.  Thinking if they are this intense this baby was coming soon. 

Lynnette and Leah arrived around 9 a.m. and immediately checked on Oliver's heart rate and to check to see how far along I was.  Contractions were around 3 minutes or so apart at this time.  Lynnette told me I was almost there and 9cm....I was relieved.  This meant Oliver would be here soon.  Contractions only got more intense.  During contractions I would feel the urge to vomit and find myself throwing up the little bit of fluids I could get in between contractions.    Lynnette and Leah had me trying all different positions and ways to help Oliver along his way.  Labor wasn't progressing as it should be, so Lynnette checked me again.  She told me Oliver's head was pushing up against my pelvic bone and it was caught on the lip due to the tilt/angle of my pelvis.  At this point we needed to discuss back up plans.  This meant discuss transfer to a local hospital.  

Now I was scared....or you could say terrified.  Worried about Oliver, worried about a possible C-Section, worried about my energy level, the pain....some many things racing through my head.

All of a sudden the urge to push through contractions was there and intense so back on all fours trying to push him out.  After pushing for a while Lynnette checked me again.  She informed me that my cervix was starting to swell and she was sure we needed to get me to the hospital ASAP.  Her thought was Oliver may be too big to get past due to the tilt/angle of my pelvis, but it still might be possible to get him out vaginally with some pain management.  She told me that what I was experiencing wasn't normal labor it was really torture, she gathered this through my description and attending my previous birth.

Now the fun 18 miles to the local hospital that doesn't offer all services (some pain management and C-Sections are not offered).  If I went there and they couldn't help me they would transfer me to another hospital in an ambulance.  I told everyone I wanted them to take me to Sterling (45 miles away).  They offered all services and I have heard good things about the OB doctors there.  Chris got the suburban ready and now it was time for me to get loaded. 

I was in so much pain, getting dressed wasn't even an option.  I had a shirt and bra on...that was it.  Leah and Lynnette wrapped a sheet around my waist and Leah basically carried me out to the car.  Chris loaded me in the back laying down on a blanket and Leah hopped in for support.  Lynnette would make calls and meet us there. 

My parents would stay at home and take care of Henry for us.  Thank goodness they were in town to help out.

Driving along bumpy dirt roads and lots of curves was not pleasant.  I am sure Chris was speeding the entire time to get me there as quick as he did.

We arrived at the hospital and they took me upstairs to a room.  The doctor had been briefed by my Midwife and immediately said you are here for a C-Section correct.  I was now terrified even more.  We informed them we would like to see what all of our options were.  They put me on IV fluids, since I was extremely dehydrated at this time.  We opted to go for pain meds and IV fluid since Oliver wasn't in distress.  I would try to deliver vaginally until it wasn't an option.  The anesthesiologist came in to go over all the details about receiving an epidural.  I was hesitant, but everyone there told me I would need it if I wanted to deliver him vaginally since the pain was intensified by him pushing on my pelvic bone.   So time for the that wasn't fun.  The anesthesiologist was having a very difficult time and had to try multiple locations along the spine.  She finally said she couldn't thread it and they would give me a one time shot that would last 1-1.5 hours. 

Back to pushing and trying to get Oliver out.  After 20 minutes or so the Hospital Doctor informed me that he was still pushing against my pelvic bone.  She then told us that I would need a C-Section.  She said he was too big and if I managed to get his head past my pelvic bone that we would then possibly run into a problem with getting his shoulders past it.  She would go next door deliver the baby in the next room and when she returned (she guessed 20 minutes or so) we would proceed with the C-Section.  I was more then upset and couldn't stop crying.  My heart was breaking.  I didn't understand why if I was fine, if Oliver's was fine, then why couldn't I keep trying.  The doctor said if I wanted to continue to try while she was next door that was fine, but when she got back it would be time for a C-Section.  She left the room.

The Nurse we had in there, Kristen, then told me if I wanted to continue to try she would help.  She thought there was still a chance I could have him vaginally and the Doc said we could continue to try if we wanted so why not.  Of course this is what I wanted.  With the help of Leah, Lynnette, Chris and Kristen there was a lot of switching positions and pushing taking place.  They were all so key in what happened in that room.  Helping hold my legs, back, name it.  The nurse was also trying to help Oliver turn a little to get past my pelvic bone.  I am guessing 30-40 minutes or more pasted by.  Then everyone said you did it in amazement.  Oliver was past my pelvic bone and was crowning.  Nurse Kristen informed me his heart rate was dropping and I need to give it everything I could to get him out.  At this point the epidural was wearing off and I could feel contractions and what I was doing again.  The Doctor walked in the room and said is he ready to be transferred, Kristen informed her I was crowning.  I was told the Doctor was shocked and didn't give the most pleased look to Nurse Kristen. 

Oliver was now out...he was very blue.  They put him on me and made Chris cut the cord immediately, so they could move him across the room.  They gave him one puff of oxygen and he was screaming.  They brought him back to me immediately.  The cord had been around his neck when he was born, but not tight.

I think everyone in that room was amazed by what took place.  They let me hold and bond with him until I was ready for them to weigh/measure and clean him up. 
Oliver Ian St.Peter was 8lbs 12 oz and 21 1/4 inches long.  He was born at 12:56 p.m. on Tuesday 12/18/12. 

Chris went home late that Tuesday night to take care of livestock and to gather things.  We figured best that he just come back in the a.m. since the livestock also need to be taken care of in the morning.  My parents decided to stay at the house and wait for us to come home.  Oliver and I stayed the night at the hospital and they released us early the next morning due to the blizzard conditions that we had so we would be able to get home.  The hospital was great and they had the co-sleep/room policy there so Oliver never left my sight from the time he was born to the time we left. 

Henry came with Chris to pick us up and we were all so happy to see each other.

I look back at this experience and I am so thankful.  I very lucky that I had a great Midwife and Assistant to help take care of me and knew when I need to be transferred.  That I had my parents in town to help with all the details and Henry.  My amazing husband for being as supportive and caring as one could be...he is my rock.  That I ended up at a hospital with an incredible Nurse that was willing to disagree (to an extent) with the Doctor and did everything she could to help me have a vaginal birth.  The big man upstairs for watching and guiding all of us through this situation leading to the birth of our son. 

All in all, my hospital birth was pleasant, it wasn't horrible by any means.  I didn't have to have the C-Section the Doctor wanted me to have and I am so grateful for this.  A big thanks to all the Nurses/Doctors at the Sterling hospital, especially Kristen, for all the good care you gave Oliver and I.

I also can't thank my parents Pam and Bruce Marsden, my Midwife Lynnette, my Midwife Assistant Leah, and of my Husband Chris enough for everything they did to help make this birth happen!!

As for the question many are asking....will I plan a home birth next time....well Yes.  This birth may not of happened the way I planned it, but it turned out good.  Home birth is still where my heart is when it comes to birthing and I will never give that up.  I did it successfully with Henry and I am sure it can be done again :-)

Meeting Grandma Pam 12/19/12
Meeting Grandpa Bruce 12/19/12

Oliver 12/19/12
Henry holding Oliver
Henry giving Oliver kisses

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Picture Update

Chris got the new stove all set up and done.  YEAH!!
 Henry reading in his chair.

 Chris gave Henry one of his Birthday/Christmas gifts early.  Thank you Grandma Tarri!!
 Riding in the wagon.
 Grandma Pam helping pull Henry around....he can't reach the pedals yet.
 Trying to get the chickens to climb in the wagon.
Happy little guy....loves his new tractor.