Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Diaper Covers

As most of you know we use cloth diapers and love them.  They save us lots of money and these days they have adorable covers to put your babies in.  I recently decided to try a new brand called Weehuggers and today is the first day we have used them lots.  Sometimes Henry has blow outs and today he tried to have one, but the Weehuggers kept it all in :-)

Friday, May 20, 2011

5 Months!!!

Fingers taste good.

Wow...five months already!
Here is what he is doing at 5 months:
-He has high pitch scream when having fun. 
-Laughing when playing and tickled.
-Doing a little sitting up, as you can see from the pictures.  Can support himself for little while before falling forward or to the side.
-Tried Rice Cereal for the first time this week.  Mostly wearing it, but he dives in for your finger/spoon when it is near by. 
-Loves playing in the jumperoo.
-Pushing up on arms more when on tummy and rolls over on to back from tummy (been doing that since 3 months).
-Sleeping at night a bit better.
-Reaching for things and trying to put everything in his mouth.
-Weighing in around 13lbs.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Here are some pictures of Henry enjoying playtime over the last week.  It is so much fun making him laugh/giggle.  It was pretty warm here for a few days, in the high 80s, so he was enjoying not having to wear a shirt all the time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Women's Retreat

Wow what a great trip.  We left Friday morning and I was worried how Henry would do on a long car trip, but he did great on the way there.  This was a church retreat for Pentecostal women. On Saturday between services Henry got to go swimming for the first time.  He enjoyed that until it got too cold.  Out of our group Jodi and Karla sang, and Jodi and Loraine were also in charge of introduction at services.  Henry was enjoying himself because everyone there wanted to hold him.  He did fantastic during all the services and really wasn't disruptive to any of the presenters.  On our way home Sunday we did have a very scary moment.  On I70 around Idaho Springs a deer came out in front of the car.  There was no way for Loraine to avoid it.  I have to say she did amazing on how she handled it.  She knew if she tried to avoid it we would of been in an accident with a car or into the rock wall on the passenger side.  There was no damage to the car and everyone was ok.  I am pretty sure the prayer for safe travels before we left helped us out.  Henry did not enjoy the way home, he cried about 75% of the trip back, poor baby.  It was a fantastic trip, but we were also happy to get back to Chris.